All domains need to have contact information (ex. address, email address) associated with that domain and that is stored in a database called the WHOIS database.
When people search for your blog or website in the WHOIS database and you do not have domain privacy, you will receive alot of SPAM EMAILS, SCAM EMAILS, and UNWANTED solicitations.
When you get domain privacy, you can hide that public information in the WHOIS database and it is replaced with proxy information.
Why the WHOIS Directory Exists
The WHOIS directory exists to make sure there’s a clear record of domains of website owners on the web.
That’s important for cases where a website owner is engaging in illegal activity or abuses their power.
If the WHOIS directory did not exist, then authorities would not be able to hold website owners accountable or minimize harm done because there would be no record or means to find offenders.
Specifically, the WHOIS directory comes into play when:
- Law enforcement agencies need help tracking down suspects in crimes committed online, or where key evidence is found online.
- Businesses or lawyers seek to identify people guilty of stealing or misusing intellectual property, such as plagiarists or people who use images they don’t have the rights for.
- Internet companies want to limit the power of people guilty of spam or other nuisances or malicious behavior online.
Benefits of Domain Privacy Protection
Even if you don’t have a problem knowing your address and nothing to hide, WHOIS privacy is beneficial for the following reasons:
- Control spam and junk snail mail.
- Hide your website from competitors doing market research.
- Prevent firms from capturing your information to resell to others.
- Avoid stalkers and fraudsters.
- Control your personal information and privacy. Do you really want everyone online knowing your address?
Is Domain Privacy worth the cost? Yes.
If blogging or having a website anonymously or not wanting some of your personal information out there is important to you, then domain privacy is worth the cost. It’s very affordable.
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