Does Oberlo Have Australian Suppliers?

Oberlo has great Australian suppliers. Oberlo works perfectly for dropshipping and you can use it to find a supplier in Australia and sell products.

How Do I Find a Dropshipping Supplier in Australia? 

Go to AliExpress and search for a product.

Select “Ship From” at the top of the page above the search results and select “Australia”. This will filter the results and give you all products that ship from the Australia.

Can You Do Dropshipping from Australia?

Dropshipping is legal in Australia.

However, you need to make sure your product can legally be sold in Australia. Do your due diligence and consult a legal eexpert for any questions.


Oberlo has plenty of Australian suppliers.

If you are having trouble getting started with your ecommerce store, there is a free online training that will teach you everything you need to be successful.

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